If you’ve been living with the PROVOCATIVE Style, your romantic relationships have been riddled with rivalry and jealousy. There’s always a third wheel who feels left out. You have wanted so badly to be special and believed this means you must be sexually desirable.

In order to cope, you’ve been overtly sensual and flirtatious. You’ve experienced blurry boundaries between the erotic and everything else. You’ve blindly picked fights and seduced people you shouldn’t. You haven’t known love untainted with drama.

Healing your PROVOCATIVE wound means finally knowing that you are special and lovable without having to stir anyone up or sell yourself out. It means being protective of your erotic self, sharing it only within the context of a loving, safe relationship. When you are CLEAR, you hold all the tender, pure parts of yourself alongside your vivacious, untamed parts and understand the appropriate time and place for each. With self-respect, clean boundaries and a softer heart, you come to embody true loveliness.

In this mini-course you will receive:

  • An informative video from Dr. Sam introducing the Provocative Coping Style
  • An introduction to the Antidote: Clear
  • Guided meditations to embody becoming Clear
  • Journaling prompts to start you on your journey of transformation

$11.00 USD