If you’ve been living with the IDEALIZING Style, you constantly compare yourself to others to know where you rank. You’ve believed that if you’re not the best, you’re the worst. You’ve been preoccupied with your outsides—how you appear on paper—rather than focusing on your internal world of thoughts, needs, and feelings. You strive to be perfect and secretly worry that you’re not.
In order to cope, you may have taken the ONE-UP stance, trying to prove to yourself and everyone else that you are “better than.” You may boast and be overly competitive, racking up your score of accolades, attractiveness, power, and wealth. Or you may have taken the ONE-DOWN stance, preferring to prop up admirable others, putting them on a pedestal and feeling important via your connection to them. You put yourself down and believe you could never measure up. Or you might flip flop between the ONE-UP and ONE-DOWN positions.
Healing your IDEALIZING wound means connecting to a felt sense of your humanity. It means getting off the vertical ladder of ONE-UP and ONE-DOWN to finally stand eye to eye and heart to heart with every other human being. When you are HUMAN, you know your worth is your essence, not something that has to be earned or proven. You hold all of your flaws and your glory in one big integrated picture of who you are. You no longer objectify yourself so your 2-dimensional self-concept blossoms into a fully fleshed out multidimensional, vital sense of self.
In this mini-course you will receive:
- An informative video from Dr. Sam introducing the Idealizing Coping Style
- An introduction to the Antidote: Human
- Guided meditations to embody becoming Human
- Journaling prompts to start you on your journey of transformation