If you’ve been living with the DISCONNECTED Style, something about this world has not been a fit. You feel different in some indefinable way. You may carry a low-level anxiety or have a hard time trusting others. You have often felt misunderstood.
In order to cope, you may have become STIFF, tensing your body and turning away from people, feeling more at home in the realms of books, video games, tools or facts. You may be FLOATY and hover above yourself, feeling vaguely pleasant as you numb yourself to the pain of life. You might be FLIGHTY, taking off whenever something doesn't feel right. Or perhaps you have been MASKED, working overtime to attune to others in the hopes that some kind of understanding might occur.
Healing your DISCONNECTED wound means dropping into your body in the present moment, becoming more in touch with your feelings and more vulnerable with others. It means taking emotional risks in your relationships and honoring your innate desire to be understood. When you become CONNECTED, you feel more real and everything shimmers with aliveness. Your heart is opened and you can finally feel at home in this world.
In this mini-course you will receive:
- An informative video from Dr. Sam introducing the Disconnected Coping Style
- An introduction to the Antidote: Connected
- Guided meditations to embody becoming Connected
- Journaling prompts to start you on your journey of transformation