If you’ve been living with the DEPRIVED Style, you’ve felt as if other people get the good stuff, not you. Something inside feels empty, broken or bad. You can’t imagine you could draw good love and care toward you simply by existing. You think you must do something to get love. With no hope for anything good, you’ve learned how to feed on bad feelings such as self-pity, hurt and bitterness.
In order to cope, you may have become WOUNDED, soliciting care via sympathy. Or maybe you are ELUSIVE, playing hard to get. Perhaps you are INDISPENSABLE, finding value in how you are needed by others. You may be CHARMING, believing you must be likable and entertaining to get love. You might be SCAVENGING, sneaking little bits of the good stuff when no one is looking. Or maybe you are STOCKPILING, collecting friends and possessions to ensure you will never be destitute.
Healing your DEPRIVED wound means trusting that there is good inside of you and opening to love. It means wanting what you want and getting what you want. When you know you are LOVE, you have faith in the bounty of life. Feeling good starts to feel really good and it becomes more familiar. Your identity shifts as you come to understand that you are inherently valuable and lovable just as you are.
In this mini-course you will receive:
- An informative video from Dr. Sam introducing the Deprived Coping Style
- An introduction to the Antidote: Love
- Guided meditations to embody becoming Love
- Journaling prompts to start you on your journey of transformation