If you’ve been living with the FRUSTRATED Style, it has felt as if the world is against you. You’ve been stuck and believed that things can’t change. You haven’t believed that you could win by winning, so you’ve mastered the art of winning by losing through covert acts of passive aggression and sabotage.
In order to cope, you may be SUBVERTING, outwardly compliant while secretly kicking others under the table. You might be SACRIFICING, giving up everything you want for the good of others, while bitterly resenting them. You may be WITHHOLDING, clamping down and never allowing anyone satisfaction. Or you might be WITHSTANDING, proving yourself by enduring and overcoming great pain.
Healing your FRUSTRATED wound means learning that you can win by winning. It means using your anger for good, to take aim and erect boundaries that get life flowing in the direction you want. When you are IN FLOW, you step into a clear, clean sense of your own agency. Resistance gives way to flow as you become the captain of your own ship. “I can’t” becomes “I won’t,” and you discover the true power of your will.
In this mini-course you will receive:
- An informative video from Dr. Sam introducing the Frustrated Coping Style
- An introduction to the Antidote: In Flow
- Guided meditations to embody becoming In Flow
- Journaling prompts to start you on your journey of transformation